New Beginnings...

This Crazy Life I Lead...

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I am 20 years old. With much to learn, I have seen and done things some poeple only dream of. Hobbies and interests of mine include bowling, biking, running, computers, and writing.


Here's a list of some of my favorite movies:

Forrest Gump
Top Gun
Coach Carter
Days of Thunder
Meet the Fockers

Here's a list of some of my favorite music:

Here Without You- Three Doors Down
Bittersweet Symphony- The Verve
What If I stumble- DC Talk
Learning to Breath- Switchfoot
Six Feet from the Edge- Creed

Lynard Skinard, Nirvana, Guns and Roses, Kenny G, Aerosmith, Elvis Presely... and a whole lot more

Born in Texas, I spent most of my life there. I have a DEEP love for the south, and the outdoors. I have seen half of the United States, and most of that by the time I was 16. At 6' 2" I stand as tall as my dad, but average out at 149 lbs.

Around Thanksgiving of 2004, my dog Sunny came into my life. A rescued dog by one of Lindsey's friends, she was found behind a dumpster somewhere in Abilene, TX. The funny thing is I was against keeping her at the start. Then over the holiday, I was asleep on the couch and Sunny wanted to climb up next to me. Too small to make it up I placed her on my stomach and turned my head to fall back asleep. She slid between me and the couch and laid her head on my shoulder and very calmly took a long breath, closed her eyes and was asleep. From that point on my heart melted, and I wanted to keep her. Unfortunately due to hard times it has come recently that in Sunny's best interest I put her up for adoption. No matter where she goes she will always be my dog who would always lay next to me while I slept, greet me when I walked in the door, and cry as I left. No dog will ever be as great. I love you Sunny.

Presently, I am working at Circuit City as a PC Technician. I love my job. I work with an incredible group of people who for the most part are as passionate about their job.

In the past year, I have come to learn many things. Who wouldn't going through the events. It is what needed to happen though, as God moves in my life to develop me where he needs me. Recently I have been blessed with an appropriate subject matter for my book, and writing it only makes me understand more what it's all about. -- Sorry you'll have to wait for it's publication to learn more. Don't want to spoil it for you.

For those who know me you know that I am intelligent. More-so I have always associated with very intelligent people. Also I am one of counsel. A decision maker by nature but not too intelligent to first ask the opinions of those I love and respect as having the "know" and experience. You also know that for years I have quarreled with my parents. I rarely took the advice they were willing to give, and have paid greatly for it. For those who don't know me, are just browsing my page, this has been a long and painful series of events that has essentially destroyed the relationship between a father and son. While meditating recently a statement my father used to make to me when we would argue came back to mind. "You're so smart you're a fool! A damn idiot and it's pointless to argue with you." He was right...(lol). It's a true coincidence how we somehow always end up saying that at some point in our lives. He was right though, I thought myself, and could prove myself so smart. So intelligent holding with the best in debate and conversation. Always performing to a higher level. Finally, after everything of the past few years it sinks in. The difference in intelligence and wisdom. So, for everyone whether or not you know me, I challenge you, if you think yourself smart enough, wise enough, or whatever you think; look yourself in the mirror with modesty after first reading the definition of the words wisdom and smart, and answer the following question. Are you so smart you're a fool? Do you think yourself so smart you are too prideful to ask for help? So smart you want to do it all yourself?

Some are so smart they already had this figured out years ago. Most of us are so smart we have to be broken, miserably, to understand.
... For more in regards to this, follow the links to

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Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;
Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

-- Robert Frost